2008-02-16 00:24:49 UTC
Currently suffering a problem with my Vista 32Bit Ultimate OS.
I'm running a Q6600, 2GB Crucial Ballistix, 7900GS 256MB...
I leave my PC running 24/7 sometimes when I return after a few hours a
little ! sign is in the icon bar at the bottom right of the screen. I
double click it and it says that aero turned itself off due to it using
most of the ram.
While this is occurring I see CPU usage at 0% and ram usage at it's
typical 30%.
Could someone help me diagnose the problem and a fix so Aero always
stays on?
Thanks in advance :)
Currently suffering a problem with my Vista 32Bit Ultimate OS.
I'm running a Q6600, 2GB Crucial Ballistix, 7900GS 256MB...
I leave my PC running 24/7 sometimes when I return after a few hours a
little ! sign is in the icon bar at the bottom right of the screen. I
double click it and it says that aero turned itself off due to it using
most of the ram.
While this is occurring I see CPU usage at 0% and ram usage at it's
typical 30%.
Could someone help me diagnose the problem and a fix so Aero always
stays on?
Thanks in advance :)